c.19 acres, Ashline, Ennis, Co. Clare

For Sale by Private Treaty

Zoned Residential

Lot 1: 12.87 acres

Lot 2: 6.13 acres

Lot 3: Entire 19 acres.

Ennis is the County Town and the administrative centre of County Clare. It is designated as a Hub Town in the National Spatial Strategy and, as the County Town, is an important residential, service and commercial centre providing significant levels of employment. It is therefore at the top of the Settlement Hierarchy for the county. It has a population of 24,253 (Census 2022). Ennis is at the heart of the economic and enterprise development of the county. It is home to international industries and indigenous companies and is the administrative capital of County Clare. Potential exists to further expand the employment base in the town, building a resilient and dynamic local economy. It is also the most significant retail urban centre in the Mid-West Region after Limerick.

As the County Town of Clare, it is a traditional large town with shopping streets and public spaces containing a pleasant mix of cafes, bars, restaurants, speciality and fashion boutiques.

The landholding lies in the townland of Cahercalla More on the western side of Ennis Town centre. It bounds and has excellent access to the Ennis Western relief road. The primary access corridor serving the property is off the roundabout from the Kilrush Road (N68). This access corridor has a distributor road, footpaths and cycle paths and is fully serviced with sewage, water, electrical and telecom facilities.

The land is well serviced with transport links, it is on the bus route and Ennis Town Centre is just 2km north.

There are 3 Lots as follows:
Lot 1: 5.21 Hectares (12.87 acres)
Lot 2: 2.48 hectares (6.13 acres)
Lot 3: The entire 19 acres.

The roads and services in existence have been taken in charge by the council. It presently serves the land and the new Ennis National School.
The landholding offers an excellent development opportunity to develop and build much needed residential units subject to planning permission.

The Ennis national school has been constructed on what originally formed part of the land holding and has been operational since September 2013.
The eastern side of the property bounds the rear gardens of residential dwellings at Woodhaven which is on the Kilrush Road.
The northern side of the land bounds Cuan an Chlair Day Care Centre & Cahercalla Community Hospital.
The western side of the property bounds agricultural land and sits on the edge of The Western Relief Road.

Solicitors: Kerin Hickman & O’Donnell, 2 Bindon St, Lifford, Ennis, Co. Clare,V95 V2TH.



Note These particulars are issued by name of OMG Commercial Limited TA Murphy Gubbins Auctioneers on the understanding that all the negotiations are conducted through them. These particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of, an offer or contract. All statements, descriptions, dimensions, references to condition, permissions or licenses of use or occupation, access and other details are for guidance only and are made without responsibility on the part of name of Murphy Gubbins or the vendor. None of the statements contained in these particulars, as to the property are to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact and any intending purchaser should satisfy themselves (at their own expense) as to the correctness of the information given. Prices are quoted exclusive of VAT (unless otherwise stated) and all negotiations are conducted on the basis that the purchaser shall be liable for any VAT arising on the transaction. The vendor do not make or give, and neither name of Murphy Gubbins any of their employees has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in respect of this property.

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