With our partners we have helped to invest €40 million in these sectors on behalf of clients over the last 12 months. We are constantly developing new ways to improve our service and build on our reputation as the most innovative property advisors in the locale.
Housing, and particularly social housing, is the key focus of Government Policy currently. Ireland has experienced a significant population growth over the last decade but housing supply has not been increasing to service this growth, which has led to a need for up to 100,000 social and community housing units in the country.
Murphy Gubbins pride ourselves on our ability to source and acquire suitable property which represents value in the current market. As a result of several successful collaborations, Murphy Gubbins has forged a strategic alliance with a number of Housing Associations, who specialise in long term, government guaranteed leases.
Murphy Gubbins are the sole agents acting for Rengen Power for the acquisition of sites for renewable energy projects.
The wind energy generation sector is a mature market in Ireland. It is the fastest growing renewable energy source in the last decade. It is economically viable and environmentally sustainable. It fits in with the national and global plan to reduce carbon emissions and minimise the impact on climate change. Murphy Gubbins act as property agents for Regen Power who have a portfolio of wind farm projects at varying stages of acquisition and development.
Solar energy has the potential to enhance the renewable energy generation capacity by 10% in Ireland in the next two to three years. It can deliver a real solution for the Irish government in meeting Co2 emission targets as part of an overall sustainable energy plan. While solar development is in its infancy in Ireland, Murphy Gubbins are advising Rengen Power on their land acquisition strategy.
Eugene Keane CEO Rengen Power with Chinese Ambassador Dr. Yue Xiaoyong and Dr Yupeng Liu, Director Rengen Power.
Eugene Keane CEO Rengen Power with JC Gubbins, Murphy Gubbins Auctioneers and Lerri Solar Directors and Senior Executives.